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Paintings by Nadezhda Kanavets

We present paintings by Nadezhda Kanavets (1930-2020)

24.06.2021 — 30.09.2021
Preview — Thursday, June 24

The World of Irina Danilevskaya

Paintings by Irina Danilevskaya.

07.03.2021 — 23.05.2021
Preview — Sunday, March 07

At Home

Interiors, reading, knitting, playing, quarreling, falling in love and falling out of it, sleeping, tending to kids, tending to yourself, trying on dresses and make up, being bored and enjoying your time inside your home.

06.04.2020 — 18.04.2020
Open Day — Monday, April 06

Brave Men for Brave Deeds

Our exhibition is devoted to the theme of Labor in Soviet Painting 1940-1970.

15.02.2020 — 20.03.2020
Preview — Saturday, February 15