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The Whole World is Interior

We will show you not only traditional home interiors dear to our hearts, but also impressive monumental spaces of factories, railway stations and holiday homes, intimate bathroom interiors and communal kitchen as well as extravagant scenes in the hallway, reminiscent of the ball from "The Master and Margarita".

10.10.2024 — 08.12.2024
Preview — Thursday, October 10

The Wind of Wanderings

We invite you to our Housewarming Party and the Opening of the new exhibition “The Wind of Wanderings". It is about travelling and happiness and breakthrough that travelling brings in our life…

22.09.2023 — 29.10.2023
Preview — Thursday, September 21

John Harrison. Moscow Inside Out

This exhibition brings together a variety of Moscow drawings and paintings by John Harrison.

20.04.2023 — 31.05.2023
Open Day — Thursday, April 20

Art - Love of a Lifetime

Klara Vlasova. Paintings 1940s–2020s

13.10.2022 — 15.11.2022
Open Day — Thursday, October 13