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The Ideal World of Vassily Minyaev

Architectural projects and Suprematist compositions, classical artworks of the 1950s, Expressionist tempera paintings of the 1970-1980s by Vassily Minyaev (1907-1993)

12.12.2014 — 08.02.2015
Preview — Thursday, December 11

1930s in Russian Art. From "Bytie" to the "Union of Artists"

Art Group "Bytie" (Existence) was a society of artists formed by graduates of VkuTeMas in Moscow in 1921. Its core was formed by students of Petr Konchalovsky. "Bytie" organized seven exhibitions between 1922 and 1929.

26.09.2014 — 02.11.2014
Preview — Thursday, September 25

Harvest Celebration

Artworks by the Soviet artists from 1940s to 1980s

28.08.2014 — 16.09.2014
Preview — Thursday, August 28

Evgeny Ilyin (1904-1982). Paintings

Paintings by Evgeny Ilyin (1904-1982)

29.05.2014 — 29.06.2014
Preview — Tuesday, May 20