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Art - Love of a Lifetime

Klara Vlasova. Paintings 1940s–2020s

13.10.2022 — 15.11.2022

Klara Filippovna Vlasova has always been one of the gallery's favorite and most loved artists. To convince her to make an exhibition, in spite of our friendship, had always been a challenge. She liked to show her artwork, but resented to part with it.
It always seemed to us that her studio near Belorusskaya metro Station is inexhaustible.
Klara Filippovna passed away in March, and this exhibition is our attempt to show at least briefly her long life in art.
The exhibition presents not only canvases well known to the art lovers, but also monumental works and absolutely wonderful works on cardboard, which have never left the studio and are shown to the public for the first time.

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