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Art-works by exhibition: Brave Men for Brave Deeds
Our exhibition is devoted to the theme of Labor in Soviet Painting 1940-1970.
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Vladimir Sokolov
1970s, lithography, 48.5 x 75 cm
Marina Sokolova
'Bug (Klop). Costume Design "Girl in the Dorm"'
1970s, watercolor, colored pencils on paper, 32 x 24 cm
Marina Sokolova
'Bug (Klop). Costume Design "Zoya Berezkina"'
1970s, watercolor, colored pencils on paper, 32 x 24 cm
Marina Sokolova
'Costume Design "Builders and Employee". The Twelve Chairs'
1986, gouache on paper, 36 x 23 cm
Nikolay Novikov
'Spring Work'
1954, oil on cardboard, 35 x 50 cm
Alexander Novikov
'Murmansk. Port.'
1971, oil on canvas, 62.5 x 93 cm