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Art-works by exhibition: Brave Men for Brave Deeds
Our exhibition is devoted to the theme of Labor in Soviet Painting 1940-1970.
Mikhail Komissarov
'Study for the book jacket'
1970s, mixed, 12.5 x 19 cm
Mikhail Komissarov
1966, mixed, 24 x 30 cm
Mikhail Komissarov
1960s, pencil on paper, 8 x 10.5 cm
Vassily Neyasov
'Woman's Portrait'
1951, oil on cardboard, 28 x 21 cm
Vassily Neyasov
'In the Factory'
1953, oil on cardboard, 36 x 45 cm
Aleksey Gordeev
'Laying Pipes'
1980-s, oil on cardboard, 18 x 28.5 cm
Aleksey Gordeev
'Worker. Holer'
1960s, pencil on paper, 28.5 x 20 cm
Anatoly Maretsky
'Chicherina Olga Vladimirovna'
1969, oil on canvas, 98 x 69 cm
Vladimir Bubnov
1970s, mixed, 38.5 x 48.5 cm