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Art-works by exhibition: The Hustle and Bustle
City Transportation of the 1940 to the 1980s
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Nickolay Tretyakov
1970s, mixed, 11.5 x 8 cm
Vasiliy Orlov
'In the City'
1970s, oil on cardboard, 17.5 x 13 cm
Vasiliy Orlov
'Girls in a Lorry'
1970s, oil on cardboard, 12 x 35 cm
Alexey Prokopenko
'Wooden Mill'
1960, oil on cardboard, 49 x 36 cm
Ivan Dmitriev
'Lopukhins-Stanitskiyes' Manor'
1970s, watercolor, pencil on paper, 13.5 x 16 cm
Ivan Dmitriev
'Garden Ring'
1970s, watercolor, pencil on paper, 15.5 x 20.5 cm
Ivan Dmitriev
'Garden Ring'
1970s, watercolor on paper, 12.5 x 20 cm
Alexander Godunov
'V.I. Lenin and Children. Sketch.'
1960s, oil on cardboard, 32.5 x 43 cm
Ivan Kabysh
'Entrance to Kharkov'
1950s, oil on cardboard, 25 x 35 cm