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Art-works by exhibition: The Ideal World of Vassily Minyaev
Architectural projects and Suprematist compositions, classical artworks of the 1950s, Expressionist tempera paintings of the 1970-1980s by Vassily Minyaev (1907-1993)
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Vassily Minyaev
'In Roma'
1981, mixed, 29 x 20.5 cm
Vassily Minyaev
1989, mixed, 21 x 14 cm
Vassily Minyaev
'Near the Sea'
1985, mixed, 29 x 20 cm
Vassily Minyaev
1951, oil on paper, 24 x 17 cm
Vassily Minyaev
'Summer Day'
1950s, oil on paper, 16.5 x 23 cm
Vassily Minyaev
'In the Forest'
1950-s, watercolor on paper, 21 x 14.5 cm
Vassily Minyaev
'A Horse in the Field'
1954, oil on paper, 23 x 16.5 cm
Vassily Minyaev
'Summer Landscape'
1952, oil on paper, 23 x 16.5 cm
Vassily Minyaev
'In the Park'
1950s, oil on paper, 18.5 x 27.5 cm