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Art-works by exhibition: Russian Generations in Pictures
Paintings by Grigory Kravchenko, Alexey Ryabikov, Dmitry Pyatkin, Ivan Dereberya, Elena Kostenko and other Russian Realist artist
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Ivan Dereberya
'Portrait of a Girl'
1960, pencil on paper, 53 x 41.5 cm
Yuri Alexandrovich Ananiev
1957, oil on cardboard, 27 x 22 cm
Vera Zaitseva
1950s, oil on cardboard, 63 x 48 cm
Zinaida Volkovinskaya
'Three Girls'
1960s, pastel on cardboard, 60 x 98 cm
Boris Ezhov
'At the Lake'
1951, oil on canvas, 62 x 78 cm
Zinaida Zatsepina
'Summer Kindergarten'
1950s, gouache on cardboard, 70 x 100 cm
Anatoly Nevzgodin
'For mail. Waiting a Plane'
1973, lithography, 44 x 36 cm
Anatoly Nevzgodin
'Plane in the Mountains'
1973, lithography, 48 x 70 cm
Maria Myslina
'At the School Greenhouse. Sketch to the Envelope'
1960, watercolor on paper, 27 x 37 cm