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Art-works by exhibition: Russian Generations in Pictures
Paintings by Grigory Kravchenko, Alexey Ryabikov, Dmitry Pyatkin, Ivan Dereberya, Elena Kostenko and other Russian Realist artist
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Alexey Ryabikov
'The Pilot Arrived Home'
1938, oil on canvas, 119 x 148 cm
Alexander Pushnin
'First of May'
1958, oil on canvas, 157 x 243 cm
Dmitry Pyatkin
'Mother and Son'
1970s, graphics, 26 x 16 cm
Vasiliy Orlov
1960s, gouache on cardboard, 50 x 55 cm
Elena Kostenko
1973, oil on canvas, 100 x 61 cm
Nadezhda Kompaniyets-Kiyanchenko
'In the Museum'
1950s, oil on cardboard, 41 x 26.5 cm
A. Kozlov
'Ice-hockey Players'
1970, oil on canvas, 79 x 93 cm
Gennady Ogorodov
1969, oil, canvas on cardboard, 49.5 x 70 cm
Maria Myslina
'Moscow.Pioneers with Pelicans'
1960s, watercolor on paper, 46 x 32 cm